
at Hotel España

Responsible Tourism

Barcelona is famous for its beautiful beaches and proximity to important bodies of water. As part of our 

At Hotel España, we are committed to sustainability and responsible tourism. We believe in the importance of caring for our environment, supporting the local community and offering our guests an enriching and conscious experience. Through our practices, we seek to reduce our environmental impact and promote a more respectful and sustainable tourism.

Check out the infographic we’ve prepared for more tips on how to be a responsible tourist in Barcelona.

Download it!

Responsible Tourism

Barcelona is famous for its beautiful beaches and proximity to important bodies of water. As part of our 

At Hotel España, we are committed to sustainability and responsible tourism. We believe in the importance of caring for our environment, supporting the local community and offering our guests an enriching and conscious experience. Through our practices, we seek to reduce our environmental impact and promote a more respectful and sustainable tourism.

Check out the infographic we’ve prepared for more tips on how to be a responsible tourist in Barcelona.

Download it!

Committed to local community

Hotel España has a long history of collaboration with the local community. 

We are proud to collaborate with foundations and associations that work in a network to promote social cohesion, coexistence and quality of life in our neighborhood: the Raval. 

We actively participate with “Tot Raval” by attending regular meetings that allow us to keep informed of the needs and challenges of the community as well as to coordinate joint actions. 

We contribute to fundraising to finance social and community projects.

On several occasions Hotel España has offered breakfasts to groups at risk of social exclusion, such as women in the neighborhood or the elderly, with the aim of supporting the most vulnerable.

The Hotel España has organized training sessions for young people at risk in order to facilitate their labor insertion and future professional development. 

We collaborate with Casal Dels Infants, an association founded in 1978 in the Raval neighborhood that works to support children, young people and families at risk of social exclusion. We offer training opportunities to young people coming from the Casal, who have done internships in the kitchen, acquiring professional experience and facilitating their labor insertion. 

We participated in the Solidarity Tapa: the hotel joined this solidarity initiative by donating all the general income from a special tapa to the projects of the Casal Dels Infants.

We donated toys and material on the occasion of the meetings organized by SITE in summer and Christmas for children and families. 

Committed to our legacy

Hotel España is actively involved with the dissemination of culture, history and architecture, enhancing its artistic heritage. 

Throughout 2024 we have renewed our adhesion to the Ruta del Modernisme and European Modernism Route. 

Also and with the support of the Catalan Tourism Agency we adhere to the cultural program in order to continue promoting the local culture and identity. 

Once a year we open our doors to the public and offer a historical tour of our facilities in order to publicize this small modernist jewel. 

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28 3月
29 3月


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