
no Hotel Espanha

Turismo responsável

No Hotel España, estamos empenhados na sustentabilidade e no turismo responsável. Acreditamos na importância de cuidar do nosso ambiente, apoiar a comunidade local e oferecer aos nossos hóspedes uma experiência enriquecedora e consciente. Através das nossas práticas, procuramos reduzir o nosso impacto ambiental e promover um turismo mais respeitoso e sustentável.

Confira a infografia que preparamos para obter mais dicas sobre como ser um turista responsável em Barcelona.

Faça o download!

Protect Our Beaches and Rivers

Protect Our Beaches and Rivers

Barcelona is famous for its beautiful beaches and proximity to important bodies of water. As part of our commitment to responsible tourism, we want to remind our visitors of the importance of caring for these valuable natural resources. Keeping our beaches and rivers clean not only ensures their enjoyment for future generations but also contributes to the health of local ecosystems.


Collaborate with Project Rescue Ocean Barcelona
Project Rescue Ocean Barcelona organizes beach and river cleanups and educates people about the importance of preserving our aquatic environments. Together, we can ensure that our beaches and rivers remain clean and that everyone who enjoys them, whether locals or tourists, understands their responsibility in conserving the environment.

Junte-se à causa!
Join a waste cleanup with them, discover new experiences while helping the planet!

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14 set
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